Saturday, October 2, 2010

We The Kings

Jennie and I at We The Kings
AnnMaire and I at We The Kings
I never really listened to much of We The Kings before there concert but I really enjoyed their concert. My friends from home were came up to see the concert to so it was just a really fun night. My home friends meet my school friends the whole night went great. I listened to great music, hung out with old friends, and new friends. 

The beginning of the night went by really slow and I almost regretted going to the concert. We waited outside for what seemed like forever, we didn’t have that great of seats, my friends were taking forever to get there, and I didn’t even know any of the opening bands songs but once We The Kings came on stage the whole night turned around. I remembered how much I use to like there music and how great they were on stage.  

During the concert I was sitting with my two new friends from school AnnMaire and Jennie, we had a great time. They live right across the hall from me so we normally hang out in the dorms but the We The Kings concert was the first night we actually went out and did something. We were singing and just having fun and it was a great night. Towards the end of the concert we saw this group of girls run to the stage so we followed them and it was the best part of the night. The last few songs we were right by the stage dancing and singing along with the band and people we didn’t even know. We were all connected through this night.
The best part was they sang my favorite song Check Yes Juliet last . I was disappointed because I didn’t think they would play it but they finally did at the end. We all had a great night and I’m really glad I ended up going!

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