Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Dreaded Midterm Grades

My midterm grades were not the greatest but they weren’t bad. I feel that I really need to buckle down and focus on my classes for the rest of the semester. I’m doing the best in my English, inquiry, and wellness class. My other two classes are math and economics which aren’t as good as I would like them to be because my grades were just average but I know I can improve them by the end of the semester.

I’m going to start with talking about my English class. My English teacher works well with trying to help us get a good grade. I have a B+ in his class and I believe I can even get it higher with the next essay. I expected this grade when I got my first essay back. I hope my grade goes up by the end of the semester.

For my inquiry class I had no idea what to expect because we have so many blogs and projects and homework assignment I can’t keep up with all the grades. I was excited with my grade because it means I have been doing my blogs well and on time and my midterm project most have came out good. I hope I can keep this grade.

My wellness class is just easy. I’ve had a paper and a midterm in this class and I’m doing very well. The class only meets once a week so I have to get all my work done on time but its easy if your work gets done. I wasn’t surprised with this grade.

In economics we’ve only had one test and that’s all that counts so I knew exactly what I had in the class. We have two more two tests and I know I have to rock them or my grade in this class won’t be as good as I need to be and economics is important in the major I’m leaning towards.

Math was the only class that I was really surprised with my grade I thought it would be much higher but I talked to my professor and I know how I can get it up soon.


  1. I was surprised with my math grade too, its good that you talked to your teacher though because now you will know how to improve your grade.
