Thursday, September 2, 2010

Who am I

My four years of high school were awesome but I feel like I was stuck in the same pattern and never really had a chance to change and become my own person but I’m hoping to change that this year. I would like to begin my journey telling everybody the type of person I am and the qualities I would like to keep and the ones I hope to change.

It has always been easy for me to meet new people and have fun. I’ve prided myself on being this outgoing person and somebody that will always try to make the best out of a bad situation. This past year I really learned out to have an extrovert personality because I worked in a retail store and you can’t be shy when working with people. I would just have random conversations with people I never met before about their jobs or families. I’m not going to lie I was a little nervous to start school and was worried I wasn’t going to meet new people but I've already met a lot of amazing people.

Some of my great friends
I’m going to say that my next best quality is that I am very trustworthy person. I know people always say that, but I really believe it is one of my best qualities. My friends come to me about EVERYTHING. I almost feel that I don’t have any time to tell people my problems because people always come to me with their problems. I don’t care at all though because that’s what a friend is for; they listen to your problems and don’t tell anybody your secret. Just last night I was giving advice to two of my friends and I know that I’m not going to tell anybody what we were talking about.

Ever since I was little the word tolerance was big with my family. They taught me that everybody is different and everybody is their own person and that I have to respect that. Since my parents taught me at such an early age about tolerance I believe that it has helped me out a lot in life and it’s going to keep helping me out while I’m in college. College is a whole new world to me and if I didn’t have tolerance I don’t think I could make it through.

Being proud can be a good and bad thing, I believe that everybody needs to be proud of who they are and what they’ve accomplished in their life but on the other hand being proud sometimes means you’re stubborn and I’ll be the first to admit that I am STUBBORN! But mostly to me being proud means I’m proud of myself and my family. There is nothing that could happen that wouldn’t make me not be proud of my family and friends because they are the hugest part of my life and how I became who I am. I’m proud of where I am in my life and I hope I’m proud of who I become in the future. I strongly believe if you can’t be proud of yourself you can’t expect anybody to be proud of you.

I'm proud of my family
Lastly I would like to tell you about my careless side. Unfortunately I tend to do or say a lot of things without thinking first. I mean who doesn’t? Making mistakes is part of life; you just have to learn how to live with those mistakes. However I believe that sometimes those mistakes make you a stronger person. They teach you how to do things differently and that certain things just aren’t acceptable. This year I hope to improve on my careless side and not make as many mistakes. I can’t wait to begin my journey at southern and show everybody the type of person I really am!

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