Saturday, September 25, 2010

Professional Bloggers!

The first blog I’m going to talk about is It’s a blog about all different types of movies that just came and movies that have been out forever. I’m doing my first blog on movies because I love going to the movie theaters or just watching movies in my dorm. The first blog on this website is called 'Virginity Hit' Not Just Sex, But A Film With 'Heart And Soul' and it’s about the movie “The Virginity Hit” and I actually just got home from seeing this movie. It was a funny movie and I really liked it but I agree with the blog when it said "I think Zack [Pearlman, Bennett's co-star] got an email from a lady that said that they were pleasantly surprised they were that the movie didn’t portray women in a negative light – as just sex objects." I really like this movie blog I think it’s interesting how they talk about new movies and old movies and I liked how it wasn’t all summary of the movies but more about what to expect from the movie.

The second blog I looked at also had to do with movies but in my opinion this blog looks more professional This blog talks more about sci-fi movies. I love sci-fi movies so it’s nice that they stick one type of genre of movies instead of all movies like the other blog. This blog also has links and trailers to see what the movies were about and the other blog just showed pictures. The one thing that this blog also does different is it summarizes the movies too much.

The reason I did both my blogs on movies is just for the fact that I love all types of movies; like comedies, sci-fi, girly movies, or even action movies. I might even want to be a movie reviewer when I’m older that’s why I really enjoyed reading these two blogs.

Is 24 Hours in a Day Enough?

         Time management is a hard thing to figure out. How exactly does one figure out how to sort there time out? There are 24 hours in a day, and that may seem like a lot but it really isn’t. I never know how to choose what to do with my time when I’m not in classes. Do I sleep, hang out with friends, go to the gym, talk on the phone, watch TV, or do homework? When I decide to do homework I have to choice which class to do homework for. That is the hardest part considering I always have so much homework in my classes.
            The past couple weeks I have learned a little more about managing time. I know that the best time to get your work done is in the day because for me that is when all my friends are in classes. I have my dorm room all to myself and basically the dorm floor. It’s nice to have the quiet during the day because when night rolls around I can’t get a minute of silence. I get done with most classes around noon so that’s when I get the most work done and I still have for something fun to do at night. There have been the occasional times when I take naps after class instead of doing my homework which means I’ve had to pull all nighters to finish that homework because I was too lazy to do my homework right away.
            Since my last blog about time management I have learned how to manage time a little better. The first two weeks was doing homework all at midnight but the past two weeks has been doing homework and noon and not having to worry about work when I get back from hanging out. The pressure from doing work late at night is gone now and my work doesn’t suffer. I’m still getting use to time management but it’s getting easier every day. I actually made a chart to help keep me on track and it looks a lot like this one.

Go to this website to help make your time management charts

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Outcast United at Southern

I’m going to be very honest and just admit I hated Outcast United, I don’t think I’ve ever hated a book more than this book. I had to force myself to read it all summer long and it was just painful. I think the storyline behind this book was very good and this could have been a good book but it just was not interesting to me at all. The book is taken place Clarkston, Georgia. Clarkston was turned into a refugee settlement center in the 1990s. Suddenly Clarkston’s streets were filled with a wide range of diversity, it was no longer the typical people walking around the streets and there were kids of all colors playing soccer. In this town there was a woman named Luma Mufleh, an American-educated Jordanian woman who founded a youth soccer team of refugee children and the team became known as the Fugees.
Even though I didn’t care for this book I understand why we had to read it. Southern is just such a diverse population of people that we can’t judge anybody and we need to accept everybody for the person they are. That is all we heard about at orientation was how everything on this campus was so diverse and we all need to get use to that. Even the first weekend here we broke off into groups and talked about how the population of people is pretty even so we need to learn how to deal with everyone. The Fugees all had one thing that united them and that was the fact that they had soccer and here at school we are all connected through Southern. Somehow we all ended up at Southern and we are united in that sense, we may have a different religion, different skin, or different groups of friends but Southern UNITES US ALL TOGETHER!  
This website might help you understand the book better

The Beauty of Free Writes

My first three weeks of college have been absolutely awesome! I have made great friends and I love all my classes so far, especially my English class. Professor Sinclair is super nice and I love his method of teaching. We are in the middle of writing our first papers for his class and he makes it very easy for me. Writing has never been one of my strong qualities and I’ve always just hated it but in his class I don’t mind it. I normally get writers block and just stare at my computer for hours not knowing what to say but for him we do free writes for 10 to 20 minutes and just write whatever we remember. Doing these free writes really takes the pressure off me for writing because nobody is going to see my free write so it doesn’t matter how my words come out.
I use to hate reading at this age
Our free writes have been on our memories of reading and writing. My memory is a bad experience of learning how to read with my second grade teacher because she never encouraged me. While in his class I remembered how much I use to hate reading and writing because of how mean my teacher was. Doing these free writes in his class is showing me how to remember all these memories in a fun way. Professor Sinclair tells us how to start our free writes and what we need to make a good story. I thought I was going to struggle with writing my first essay for college but I’m not worried about this essay because I’m just using all my notes from the free write. I probably have at least 7 pages of notes to use in my essay. I don’t have to struggle with starting the essay because I already have all my key points written down. The most surprising part is how much I hate to write but I'm actually looking forward to writing this paper.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Wow! Is all I can say about my two first weeks of college. These two weeks have been a combination of the best two weeks of my life and the most stressful. I have faced the challenge of having no idea how to manage my time. I live on campus and I have no idea when the right time to study is and when the right time to hang out with friends and have fun is? I need to find out what the best way of managing my time is because what I have been doing just isn’t working out for me. I’ve been doing most of my homework right when I get out of class and I’m alone in the dorms but when people get back to the dorms I get completely distracted from my homework and just stop. I hang out with them all day and don’t get back to my room till around midnight or later and by that time I’m exhausted and really want to go to bed but I can’t because I have to finish my homework. Doing homework when you’re exhausted is stupid because your work isn’t as good as it could be if you weren’t so tired. I guess the question is why do I wait to the last minute?

Nobody wants to be doing there homework at 12!
These first two weeks have already opened my eyes. I’ve learned that I need to come up with a better system to manage my time. I’m going to get my work out of the way early in the day so I don’t have to come back to my room at midnight and finish homework. I know it’s going to be hard to do my homework before I go out but it’s something I’m going to have to learn to do if I want to succeed in college. This next week is going to be my test to see if I can actually do work before I go out because if I can’t do it now it’s going to get harder each week to do. All I know is I want to do great these next four years in college, so I need to learn how to manage my time! This website has started to help me and I hope it can help you!

True of False?

Does becoming great at something involve skills or practice? I thought the 10,000 Hours for Success article was very fascinating because at the end of the article I didn’t know what I believed anymore. Before I read this article I always thought that people were just born to be great at instruments like the piano or they were just born smart but I don’t believe that anymore. I believe it all comes from the amount you practice and how far you’re willing to go to be great. People that have worked at their skills for over 10,000 hours in their life obviously want to be great and they deserve to be great with all their hard work.

Personally I know it takes a lot of work to be great at something. When I was younger people would always tell me that I was a natural soccer player because I was better than most people my age, so I thought that meant I didn’t have to practice as hard. When I was in middle school I was cocky because I was captain and one of the best players on my team and I let that get to me so I stopped practicing as hard. By the time I got to high school I still played soccer but it wasn’t as fun because I wasn’t the star anymore, there were older girls that were a lot better than me and even people in my grade that I use to be better than practiced all summer and caught up to me. I guess the moral to this story was my natural skills only got me so far I had to practice to get better than everyone else.
He's going to be greeat because he started practicing at such a young age.
I still believe that talent somewhat decides if you’ll be good at instrument, but it’s up to you take it the rest of the way. Do you want to be successful in life? If you do, PRACTICE and you should do great. After all the saying is practice makes perfect!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


To me college is a whole new chapter in my life. It’s a chapter that should be filled with great memories, new experiences, and new people but it’s also a chapter that will be filled with a lot of work. College is the time in your life when you try and decide what you are meant to do and who you’re supposed to be. Some people say college is the greatest time of your life and others say it's the most stressful time of your life. I can already tell I’m going to have a lot of stress because thinking about what I want to do for the rest of my life gives me a panic attack. The rest of your life is a long time and these four years are going to help me decide who I will become and that is a lot of pressure.

Is this going to be me?
College will help you accomplish so many great things in your life; like meeting new people, finding things to get involved with you love, and most importantly it will help you decide how to spend the rest of your life. Deciding how you will spend the rest of your life is probably going to be the biggest accomplishment you ever make and I strongly believe I won’t be able to make that decision without Southern. For right now though I’m not going to worry about my future and I hope college is going to help me accomplish having fun and learning as much as I possibly can. I know it may sound dorky but I’m really excited to take new and fun classes and see what’s at there. I’m paying a lot of money to be in college and I don’t want to waste it. I want to learn as much as I can, get the best grades possible, join a few clubs, and meet lifelong friends! If I do any of these things I know college will be worth it.

The first week of classes was so intimidating because I don’t know how to manage my time yet and I got a lot of homework, it was scary because I wasn’t expecting it. I feel as time goes on I will get use to college and get into a pattern but until then I’m just going to listen to these 25 tips

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Who am I

My four years of high school were awesome but I feel like I was stuck in the same pattern and never really had a chance to change and become my own person but I’m hoping to change that this year. I would like to begin my journey telling everybody the type of person I am and the qualities I would like to keep and the ones I hope to change.

It has always been easy for me to meet new people and have fun. I’ve prided myself on being this outgoing person and somebody that will always try to make the best out of a bad situation. This past year I really learned out to have an extrovert personality because I worked in a retail store and you can’t be shy when working with people. I would just have random conversations with people I never met before about their jobs or families. I’m not going to lie I was a little nervous to start school and was worried I wasn’t going to meet new people but I've already met a lot of amazing people.

Some of my great friends
I’m going to say that my next best quality is that I am very trustworthy person. I know people always say that, but I really believe it is one of my best qualities. My friends come to me about EVERYTHING. I almost feel that I don’t have any time to tell people my problems because people always come to me with their problems. I don’t care at all though because that’s what a friend is for; they listen to your problems and don’t tell anybody your secret. Just last night I was giving advice to two of my friends and I know that I’m not going to tell anybody what we were talking about.

Ever since I was little the word tolerance was big with my family. They taught me that everybody is different and everybody is their own person and that I have to respect that. Since my parents taught me at such an early age about tolerance I believe that it has helped me out a lot in life and it’s going to keep helping me out while I’m in college. College is a whole new world to me and if I didn’t have tolerance I don’t think I could make it through.

Being proud can be a good and bad thing, I believe that everybody needs to be proud of who they are and what they’ve accomplished in their life but on the other hand being proud sometimes means you’re stubborn and I’ll be the first to admit that I am STUBBORN! But mostly to me being proud means I’m proud of myself and my family. There is nothing that could happen that wouldn’t make me not be proud of my family and friends because they are the hugest part of my life and how I became who I am. I’m proud of where I am in my life and I hope I’m proud of who I become in the future. I strongly believe if you can’t be proud of yourself you can’t expect anybody to be proud of you.

I'm proud of my family
Lastly I would like to tell you about my careless side. Unfortunately I tend to do or say a lot of things without thinking first. I mean who doesn’t? Making mistakes is part of life; you just have to learn how to live with those mistakes. However I believe that sometimes those mistakes make you a stronger person. They teach you how to do things differently and that certain things just aren’t acceptable. This year I hope to improve on my careless side and not make as many mistakes. I can’t wait to begin my journey at southern and show everybody the type of person I really am!