Saturday, November 13, 2010


I actually find our inquiry class very intellectually stimulating. It was one of the only classes I have where you need to really think about what we are discussing. At first I was going to say that my economics class was the most stimulating class but everything I learn is in the text or in my notes, with inquiry there is no right or wrong answer to the questions, it’s all our own opinion.

We always have to read articles before class and we have to think about what the articles are about. For our last class we read about grade inflation and what it does for our society. Do our high school teachers just give us grades based on hard work and because they just want us to pass but our college professors don’t care? These articles make us think and take a side about grade inflation there is no right or wrong answer but we do have to really think about it. Everyone had different opinions some people believed that if you work hard and study that should mean you automatically get a good grade but I however believe that working hard doesn’t mean you deserve a good grade, you need to go above and beyond in college.

Inquiry is the only class where I can voice my opinion and have an open discussion. In math there are no opinions, you’re either right or wrong with your answers. That is why math is so boring you can’t have any creativity or discussions like in inquiry. I really believe people need a class where they all have full out discussions or debates about there opinions.

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