Saturday, November 6, 2010

Grade Inflation

I want to get that A
 In my high school grade inflation never really happened. My teachers really believed in earning your grades on your own and giving no extra credit. If you didn’t do your homework in my school you were pretty much out of luck because that is all my teachers cared about; being prepared for class. My teachers were big on “preparing us for college” if we turned in work late or unfinished they would give us a zero and say that doesn’t fly in college.
I agree with a lot of my classmates were saying though, I do believe if you go to all your classes and do all your work to the best of your ability and study as much as possible than you should be able to get a B or higher. I have learned that the teachers in my high school that pushed me to do more than just average have really helped me out. If they just let me get away with doing the bare minimum and I still passed I wouldn’t have learned anything about what college is all about. People hated my high school and said it was just a joke but I really believe they have helped me out.
I personally don’t believe in grade inflation because it makes us lazy as a society but I do believe you work hard and put all your effort into a class then your professor should take that into consideration. I do not believe Cs are acceptable grades so I will be doing everything in my power to get a good grade and I know I will have to work hard for those good grades. 

Can grade inflation be dangerous

1 comment:

  1. i agree with you 100% the whole idea in itself is stupid and shouldnt be used
