Saturday, December 4, 2010

I'll miss everyone!

Me, Madison, and Katie

I loved our little learning community. In a way it was just like high school, it was the best type of transition we could have asked for. We really needed to be with the same people in two classes it was helpful. I love everyone in our inquiry and English class there all awesome, I meet some really great friends in this class and I’m going to miss everyone. Thankfully I’m still in some of the same classes as a few of my good friends, a lot of us are taking the same English class, and Madison and Jocelynn are in my math class I’m excited to still see everyone. I also know that I’m going to stay in touch with Sarah, Shelby, and Melissa because we all get a long so well and there friends I definitely want to stay in contact with.

These learning communities were made to bring people together and it did. It was also meant to bring a group of people together that are all going through the same thing. We are all freshman trying to get the hang of things whether its dealing with homework, friends, roommates, or teachers we all know what the other one is going through. We also are all there for each other the best we can. I made a lot of friends and connections with  the people from my English and inquiry class and I know wouldn’t have been as happy in English if these people weren’t in my inquiry class. I am so sad that English and inquiry are over but I know I will still see my friends next semester!

I hope I made you understand why these learning communities are so important every freshman should have one! Here are some better answers about what a learning community really is


  1. Ill miss you too jeanette, btw what letter is that that you 3 are making above? lol

  2. at least we have math together! :)
