Saturday, December 18, 2010


College what does it really mean? One way Webster dictionary describes it as is an independent institution of higher learning offering a course of general studies leading to a bachelor’s degree. This definition use to scare me more than anything because of the two words independent institution. My first thought was college will be a lot different than high school and I loved high school so I didn’t want it to change. In high school our teachers told us everyday when homework and papers were due and when we would have tests and quizzes and I was not ready for that to change at all. What if my college professors did not care if I passed or failed? I’m the type of person that needs inspiration or just a little encouragement and I knew in college I wouldn’t get that from certain professors. I knew I had to be independent and it’s something I never was so I was mostly scared of the transition from high school to college but our learning communities actually helped me a lot.
I feel that for the most part I succeeded with my course goals for the semester; I never thought I would make it but I did. It was the scariest semester of my life because as I mentioned earlier I have never been independent and for the first time I was. I didn’t have my parents or teachers telling me when to get things done and I was fine. I thought that I needed someone telling me when and how to do something or I would never get my work done but it wasn’t true at all. I told myself when to get my work done and it always got done, I never missed any important assignments in any of my classes. I’m proud that I can be independent and not struggle with my classes and work load. I have to admit though having the learning community personally helped me because I had people that I actually became friends with going through the same thing as me. Everyone in the class was struggling with the transition of high school to college and we shared it together. We all had what seemed like a hard work load but we got through it.

I'm going to make a chart to help with time management

Even though I believe I have grown as an individual in college I have to work on my time management skills. I do all my work and I do it on time but I always wait till the last minute I just can’t help it. Let’s take this paper for instance we’ve had over a month and I waited to the last day it was due to put the finishing touches on my paper. Procrastination is my worst quality as a student and something I need to work on next semester and something I think I can fix. It won’t happen over night but if I push myself to get my work done earlier I know I can do it. I still have a lot of my bad high school traits with me at college because I did the same thing last year; wait till the last minute to finish a paper. I know that they would come out a lot better if I just took the effort to start right away but I just can’t, something always gets in the way but I need to change that. Along with time management I have my horrible organization to worry about. I never know where I keep any of my class paper and tend to loss a lot of work I need. I start of the year neat and organized but slowly progress into a slob. I have folders and notebooks for every subject but somehow I still can’t stay organized. It just doesn’t make sense.
  This semester has been amazing and horrible at the same time but I wouldn’t change a minute of it. I’m a strong believer in taking the good with the bad. The bad qualities and bad days make you who you are. I have had one of the worst days of my life on this semester but it has only shaped me into a better me. I learned from my mistakes and know where I went wrong and know never to do those things again. I truly believe this class will help me with my remaining time at Southern because of everything you taught us. You taught us about deadlines, how to be more tech savvy, and you taught us how to be a strong vocal person in class. I have just started my journey at Southern and I can’t wait to see how it ends. I hope some of my fellow friends from this inquiry class will be there at the end of my Southern journey.

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