Saturday, December 11, 2010

How Far I Have Come!

For the semester I consider my greatest failure and my greatest weakness differently. My greatest failure would be my economics class as of right now I have a C+ and if I don’t ace the final it will stay that way. To me anything below a B is failure and I’m very disappointed with myself in this class and I’ve been studying nonstop for the final to make sure I make it up to a B. I know I should have studied harder in the beginning and then I wouldn’t have to be in the position where I need an A on the final but I know I will do it.

You need to learn how the break your weakness 

My greatest weakness has been the last month without a laptop. It has been so hard for me considering that everything now a day you need a laptop. With all my papers, research paper, blogs, presentations, and making the video. I was in the library almost everyday and night using there computers it was very inconvenient not having my own anymore.

My biggest strength now is time management and being on my own. When I was in high school I relied on my parents for everything they told me when to do homework, when to clean my room, when to eat, and when I could and couldn’t hang out with my friends. Now that I live on campus I’m my own person and I know how to take care of myself. I learned to do my homework and study before I go out and have fun. I also clean my room without being told to and if I want to go out and have fun with my friends I don’t need anyone’s permission. I’ve grown and became my own person finally and that has been my greatest strength this semester growing up.

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